Monday, December 15, 2014

Effects of Pre-questioning and Main Idea Positions on the Reading Comprehension

Effects of Pre-questioning and Main Idea Positions on the Reading Comprehension of Definition Paragraph Performed by the Twelfth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 2 Kahayan Tengah in Academic Year 2012/2013

Graduate Program in English Education
Palangka Raya University


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of pre-questioning on reading comprehension of definition paragraph, the effect of main idea positions on reading comprehension of definition paragraph, and the effect of pre-questioning and of main idea positions on reading comprehension of definition paragraph performed by the twelfth grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Kahayan Tengah in academic year 2012/2013. The pre-questionings that used were oral and written pre-questioning. Main idea positions that used were main idea at the beginning and at the end of the paragraph. The population of this study was all classes of the twelfth grade at SMA Negeri 2 Kahayan Tengah. The sample was the whole population.
The writer used quasi-experimental method in this study. The experiment was using randomized post-test only design. The main data was the students’ score that gained from reading test. The data were processed and analyzed according to these steps: taking the data, coding, scoring, tabulating, analyzing by using SPSS version 17, and taking conclusion based on the statistical result. In taking conclusion, the writer also added some information that gained from the supporting data. The supporting data was the questionnaire.
The result of this study showed that the two null hypotheses were rejected and one null hypothesis was accepted. For brief, there were significant effects of pre-questioning on students’ reading comprehension of definition paragraph. There were no significant effects of main idea positions on students’ reading comprehension of definition paragraph. There was interaction effect between pre-questioning and main idea positions on students’ reading comprehension of definition paragraph in this study.

Keywords:     Reading Comprehension, Pre-questioning, Main Idea, Definition Paragraph, Students

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