Monday, December 15, 2014

Video and Mind Mapping for Teaching Hortatory Exposition

Video and Mind Mapping for Teaching Hortatory Exposition
in Developing the Eleventh Grade Students’ Writing Skill
at SMAN 6 Palangka Raya

Retno Deniaty Sari
Graduate Program in English Education
Palangkaraya University

            The objective of this study was: to know how the combination of video and mind mapping technique could develop the students’ ability in writing the hortatory exposition text at the eleventh grade of SMAN 6 Palangkaraya in academic year 2012/2013. The subject involved in this study was the eleventh grade of science program of SMAN 6 Palangkaraya. The writer used XI IPA 1 as the subject because in prior observation showed the students in the class had problems in writing.
            The research method that used in this study was classroom action research. While, the data needed in this study were primary data that obtained from the score of students writing abou the hortatory exposition text. Those were taken by using test. Then, the secondary data was gotten from the teacher and students’ activities as the result of observation and also the students’ answer as the result of the questionnaire.
            Furthermore, the implementation of video and mind mapping in teaching hortatory exposition text for developing the eleventh grade of science program students’ writing skill at SMAN 6 Palangkaraya in academic year 2012/2013 got succeed. There where significant result of the students writing ability before and after the implementation of the method. It could be seen that in the 1st(first) cycle, the result of the pre-test was 44,44% then after implemented the method in 2 (two) cycles, the result of post-test in 2nd (second) cycle was 81,48%.
                Beside, the implementation of video and mind mapping in teaching hortatory exposition text also could help the students in developing their writing skill. The increase of the students’ writing skill was taken from the average scores of post-test in 2nd (second) cycle minus the score of pre-test in 1st (first) cycle. The increase are in grammar 0,48 point,  coherent increased 0,56 point,  readability increased 0,44 points, diction increased 0,94 point, and communicative purpose of                   the text increased 0,69 points.

Keywords: video, mind mapping, SMAN 6 Palangkaraya

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