Monday, December 15, 2014

The Students’ Learning Strategies in Developing Their English Speaking Skill

The Students’ Learning Strategies 
in Developing Their English Speaking Skill:
A Case Study of the Best Students of English Education Study Program  
of Palangka Raya University

Nisa Ardawati
Graduate Program in English Education
Palangka Raya University


       This study mainly aimed at a study concerning the learning strategies used by the students of English Education Study Program in developing speaking skill. Therefore, this study included three objectives: (1) to examine what kind of language learning strategies employed or used by the best students associated with speaking skill. (2)to classify what language learning strategies that they employed most frequently for developing their speaking skill. (3) to describe how they used their language learning strategies for developing their speaking skill. 
       This study would focus on English Education Study Program Students who had taken Speaking 1 and 2 lectures only. The parameter involved the students who were good at Speaking based on their A score in Speaking 1 and 2 consistently.
       This study used a case study employing a questionnaire and individual interviews to elicit data. Those data were investigated to get information about what kinds of learning strategies were used by the students in developing their speaking skill. The learning strategies are adopted from Oxford (1990), they were: memory strategies, cognitive strategies, compensation strategies, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies, social strategies.

Keywords: developing, speaking, learning, language strategies, best students.

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